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Srooming Class

Streaming Academy Curriculum

From beginners to entrepreneurs!
Cat grooming customized curriculum

​President Sim Kong's direct lecture

​ Sympathetic Hairdresser Certificate of Completion

minority garden

제목을 입력하세요 - 2022-03-22T101322.665.png

The first is important.
don't come back
Cat hairdresser regular course

can i do it too Don't worry. From experts to novices, a variety of people who start with a love for cats gather together.

Butler Request Class!
​ One-day self-beauty class

One-day self-beauty class opened at the request of many butlers

From common cat grooming tips to self-grooming classes!

​ Spend a special time together.

제목을 입력하세요 - 2022-03-14T202803.249.png
제목을 입력하세요 - 2022-05-12T142119.128.png

스루밍아카데미 교육과정

  • 집사가 꼭 알아야 하는 그루밍 상식 심콩쌤과 함께 쉽게 하는 셀프미용!

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